Photograph by Olivia Hemingway.

Photograph by Olivia Hemingway.

Alison Edmonds studied Fine Art at Psalter Lane in Sheffield gaining a First Degree in 1981. Her formative years were spent in Manchester but she has produced Art-work  in London and Yorkshire. The artist has exhibited in British and European galleries and her work features in private collections.  

The work, often large in scale, is linked by recurring images and ideas which progress and develop organically. They are shaped by the contemplation of the notion of timeless order existing amongst the entropy of an ever-changing world.


Banal, prosaic situations and experiences are collated and connected through personal responses in paintings, drawings, collages, sculptures and installations. These acutely introspective observations explore mundane and overlooked surroundings, expressed through a personal vocabulary of mythology and revelation. Given or found materials and objects often act as starting points gaining new significance by re-forming, redistribution  or repositioning.


‘As an artist I often work in projects or series and during the process discover some sort of place in the world. Work often begins as a fixed point which branches out and produces new fixed points. Sometimes they return to an idea which then gains more substance over time. These points can become more powerful with experience or obsession."

 Curriculum Vitae 

Alison Edmonds (born in Manchester 1959)

1978-81: Sheffield City Polytechnic, Psalter Lane - First degree B.A Hons. Fine Art.

1979: Prize for most promising student.

1979: Northern Young Contemporaries – Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester.

1980: Awarded Harmstone Bequest Travelling Scholarship.

1981: New Contemporaries -ICA, London

1981: Stowells Trophy Exhibition -Royal Academy, London

1981: The best from Degree Shows – Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield

1984: Kirklees Artists II- Huddersfield Art Gallery 

Exhibition of Five artists selected by Martin Naylor.

1986: 5 artists from Huddersfield – Bescancon, France

1986: 5 selected women Artists – Womens Festival,  Wakefield

1990: Solo Exhibition – Works on Paper, Huddersfield Art Gallery

1997: Lifelines – Site Specific Installation Media Centre, Huddersfield Fringe Festival

2012: Solo Exhibition -Armoury, Bates Mill featuring a Sound Environment collaboration with Dr. Rose Dodd Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival

2016 Longlisted for John Moores Painting Prize 

2019: Exhibition of 5 selected Artists to celebrate 35 years of West Yorkshire Print Workshop – Gallery of West Yorkshire Print Workshop Mirfield

2020: Longlisted for the Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize

2023: Longlisted for the Jacksons Painting Prize

2023: Royal Academy Summer Show.


Janus Revisited - Cupola Art Gallery, Sheffield

Environment- Fronteer Art Gallery, Sheffield

Finalist Winter Open-Fronteer Gallery, Sheffield

Winter Solstice -Fronteer Art Gallery, Sheffield

Reflections - Open Gallery , Halifax

Living with the Past - Cupola art Gallery, Sheffield

We called Yesterday today- Cupola Art Gallery, Sheffield


Delphic-Cupola Contemporary Art - Sheffield

Royal Academy Summer Show 2023 , London

A Generous Space 3 ASP - Huddersfield Art Gallery

Leeds Summer Group Show - Leeds Playhouse

Live With It - Murama Gallery, Marple, Stockport

Darker Than a Blackbirds Retina - Terrace gallery, Huddersfield

Babble -Ilkeston Contemporary Arts, Ilkeston.

Cornucopia - Cupola Contemporary Art, Sheffield


Lets talk about Intuition - The Coincidence Gallery, Pictorem Gallery, London