

The Heads series of work was made over a period of about ten years between 2002 and 2012.

Inspired by personal myth and narrative, the Heads series is an exploration of our psyche protected within the exterior shell that is presented to the world. Interesting and sometimes disturbing, oblique things can happen when there is a blur between the two.

I have always been interested in repetition and the cumulative effect of repeated actions marks and shapes. I find the journey both meditative and stimulating since it is simultaneously pushing ideas forwards in time but always staying within a definitive boundary. For instance, the small head sculptures where each individual piece was an organic response to the available materials and the mercurial qualities of mood from day to day suggesting how the materials could be manipulated and put together. These small heads built up into an accumulation: an Armoury which is then stored and arranged on the shelves to be taken down and used when help is needed navigating through life.

The series of paintings continues these explorations resulting in seven monumental paintings which once more are a consideration of protection, defence, personal emotions and perceptions.

The project also includes other small and large-scale drawings together with the installation Column. The Armoury exhibition, held at Bates Mill in 2012, was a conclusion to the project.


Small Paintings

